Friday, November 27, 2009


Kurt grew up with his two cousins just across town and they spent LOTS of time together. It was him and his brother and siblings Greg and Michelle (just one girl--SO not fair, right?!) The 3 boys are pictured above: Greg, Chad and Kurt.

Now they are all grown up and there is another generations of cousins--our two boys and Greg has a boy and a girl (again, just one girl--Piper will have to hold her own) BUT, this set of cousins don't get to spend the time together that those original four did =( They played together yesterday, very nicely I might add! Piper "godzilled" her way across Beckett's vinyl map of a city and he didn't even knock her over! She also planted herself right in Paxton's personal space during some hot wheel time and he waited patiently for her to move on--HA! They wrapped up the holiday celebration with an impromptu jam session at the piano, minus Beckett...

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