Today Arielle and zipped to Dubuque to run a few errands. She asked right away if one of the stops was going to be Hobby Lobby. I said "yes, I need a zipper and want to look at some fleece". She groaned and reminded me that she "hates" Hobby Lobby. (I know--we're looking into professional counseling, there's obviously SOME sort of problem there!) I kept my promise and picked out the zipper I needed and decided on my fleece (on sale, of course). Meanwhile she announced that she wanted to make her a hat with ear flaps on it to go with the scarf I just made her. (I have ideas for another hat, which I'll show you when I get it done--along with all the OTHER fun projects I got "makins'" for!). I sent her over to look for a pattern and once I got her out of the drawers and perusing a pattern book, she found the one she wanted--although LAST week patterns were $.99!
There's a soft lining to the hat and the "fur" selection was nothing I was in love with. Over in the baby section they had a soft fuzzy fabric that looked just like the picture on the envelope so she tucked the bolt under her arm and we headed over to fleece (again). After about 3-4 minutes I looked over at Arielle and she was COVERED in that white fluff!! It was everywhere! I busted out laughing and she figured out right away what the problem was. I laughed for a full 5 minutes before I even remembered that I keep a camera in my purse for moments just like this! Her commentary while trying to brush that fluff off was priceless and included LOTS of mention of how she doesn't even like HL to begin with and this didn't help!!
She raced that bolt back to the baby section and picked out some faux suede/sherpa type of fabric and we went to the cutting table. She was telling me that "this stuff better not shed!" and the clerk said "this stuff isn't bad, but we've got some stuff over there (and waved her hand--you guessed it---towards baby) that REALLY makes a mess!!! These pictures show her AFTER she was able to get about 90% of it off of her =)
Arielle did find the episode mildly amusing while I thought it was a total riot. Wonder how long it'll be before I can take her back there?
Hahaha! Oops, sorry Arielle, I feel your pain. Last year I hauled four bolts of pastel fleece around the fabric store while wearing my black winter jacket.... 'Nuf said.
Wow, I had no idea that shedding fabric was even sold at Hobby Lobby. Rarely do I make it to that aisle. But sometimes I come home with a stray fuzzball stuck to my it all makes sense. Poor Arielle...she will probably never return. Your only hope left is in Michael's...
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