For the past few years, I've moved into a definate phase of adult-hood and been the Hostess with the Mostess for our families Easter dinner. It's a pretty small affair, us, both sets of parents, Uncle Chad and my brother and family usually. This year though, my MIL offered to take over the duties since I am wicked busy with school and the other trappings of Spring (ie: golf meets), she did however, state with her offer that I could have it back again next year, HA!!
So dinner/egg hunt were at the IL's (which Kurt was thrilled about: "Good, Dad can hit the forgotten eggs with the lawnmower instead of me!). Kurt and I hid the eggs (some hidden, many just laying scattered about the yard) and the 4 boys surprisingly left them alone--until Bryce tee'd one up with a golf club, and then it was time to set them loose with their baskets. Then the tradition of opening the eggs into zip-loc bags happens and I rubbermaid tub up the empty eggs to re-use again next year!!
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