First a little background: When Paxton was in 4K, it was a ROUGH year. He cried each day Kurt took him for months. He was shy, RARELY participated, barely spoke above a whisper (while there, not at home!) and never told us about his day. On the night of his "concert" I had a class and RACED back to town to catch what I could of the program. When I got to school I couldn't find any sign of him. I finally made some calls and he had been so unhappy there that Kurt just took him home. That made Momma cry =(
Last year in Kdg (Parker's golf banquet was the same night, so Kurt caught the concert and I did the banquet) he stood up there and did some singing and some of the hand motions--definate progress!!
So last night was the 1st grade version. I got to go, yay!! When we arrived, Mr. Social Butterfly was greeting kids by name and was ready to ditch me in the lobby! When the kids filed in, there was LOTS of hand waving by parents and kids alike and he looked a bit concerned at first, but then he caught us in the back, Mom with the big ol' camera around her neck, and his face lit up and there was momentary concern that his arm was going to come flying off and take out an audience member a good 6 rows back! He. Had. A. Blast. Sang the songs, watched the other groups, did the motions and smiled like a lunatic for the majority of the time. I wanted to cry for GOOD reasons =)
I shot about 60 pics--good think Blogger has a 5 per post limit--HA!
he is sooo cute! I love the expressions on the other kiddos! ;)
I'm so glad he did better this year.
ps windows live writer, as many pictures at one time as you want! :)
just sayin'
Ooooh, Gail--thanks for the tip, LOL!!!!
Yay!! WTG Paxton! Sounds like he just needed a little time to warm up :o)
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