Thursday, September 30, 2010

In the Corner Office...

OK, so my office building is kind of an octogen-shaped creation without many TRUE 90 degree type of corners, so technically it's not so much a CORNER office as it is mine =) Since I KNOW that not everyone out there relishes visiting the dentist, I kept the camera out of the clinical areas and stuck to where you can usually find me when I'm not sitting chairside! A messy desk is a sign of a sane mind or something, right--HA! Somehow all the "stuff" that noone else wants to deal with lands there along with all of the things that ARE my responsibility--I would NEVER make it look that way all by itself =)

My wall of diplomas/certificates is waiting patiently for the one I'm working so hard on right now...



Brimful Curiosities said...

Love that building. Wish my house had more of an unusual design. When do you expect that next diploma?

Colleen said...

I'll graduate in May with my RN =) It IS a cool layout!!

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